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Raise up an army of Evangelists 

Raise up an army

It’s sometimes mistakenly said that ‘we are all evangelists’ but Ephesians 4:11 clearly states that the risen Christ gave ‘some’ to be Evangelists. 

Being an Evangelist isn’t necessarily to hold a position or office within the Church.  It certainly isn’t to be paid as an Evangelist.  To be an Evangelist is simply to have a calling, gifting and passion to point others to faith Jesus Christ.  

There are thousands of sleeping evangelists in our churches up and down the country who do not realise that they have this amazing gift. 

One of our calls is to work with Church pastors, to discern, disciple and then deploy evangelists.

We do this by visiting Churches (at the invitation of the leadership) to train small groups of evangelists so that they may grow in their particular calling and then be set free to use their gift as an evangelist to lead others to Christ.  

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